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A personal site about an unemployed twenty-something!

A Lot Has Happened…


So, I have proven to be a HORRIBLE blogger. The last time I blogged was New Years.  Since then a lot has happened. Went to New York, went to India, Rhea graduated, Dad turned 60, I turned 27…and drum roll please…I’ve been going to the gym. Have lost 10 pounds and counting. OH, I also got a temp job. AR Rahman is coming to the Bay Area folks…get your tickets NOW!!!

I’ll post some pics up soon!

posted under Birthdays, Gym, India, Job, Mother's Day, Restaurants, Rhea, Street Food, Travel | Comments Off on A Lot Has Happened…

New Year


Happy New Year to all! I have a feeling this year is going to be big for me. Hopefully! Lots has happened since I last posted.

Will keep it short:
Christmas was great at the Doctors’ house + ween came too! Had Lobster Thermidor, potatoes, & salad. Got lots of cool things! Same ole same ole stuff.
New Year’s Eve was great! The gals (yasu, weenie, rhe, paree) & I went to a yummy place called Creola (pic of table at left). Food was AMAZING!!!! Then we went clubbing to ring in the new year. Afterward, grabbed some more grub and went to weenie’s for the night. Next day, on New Years, had dinner with the fam.

So…that said…this new year is going to be MY year. Today is the start of my new life. I’ve signed up at the gym and going to finally start getting in shape. Enough is enough. I’m tired of my unhealthy lifestyle. Hopefully, I can stick to this mentality.

FYI…if you are looking for a new place to eat check out the Burger Bar. Its a fancy burger place by celebrity chef, Hubert Keller (was on Top Chef Masters). The burgers are FANTASTIC. AMAZING. MIND-BLOWING. I had the sliders, which were 3 different types of meat (buffalo, angus, country natural beef). Holy moly! Was damn good…esp. the buffalo with caramelized onions. The angus comes with bacon and the country natural comes with american cheese (picture at right). The rest of the burgers looks great too! Was a very happy customer.

Okies…until later folks! Take care and have a safe new year.

posted under Gym, Restaurants, Uncategorized | Comments Off on New Year

I’m a Vampire!


Seriously! I’ve become a vampire! I stay up ALL night and sleep in the morning/afternoon. I HATE THIS! I NEED A JOB!!! Well, at least I get to catch up with family/friends in India. I’m technically on their time and I love talking to my sista-from-another-motha’ Ayesha. She cracks me up and I try not laugh at 5 in the morning. I think the two of us should have our own reality show together. We’d make MILLIONS!!! haha!

Today is my Dad’s birthday! Happy Birthday daddy!!! In honor of him, I awoke from the dead at a reasonable hour…after probably sleeping 3 hours. He should feel honored! Anyways, we went to my fave restaurant the Old Port Lobster Shack. He loves Lobster Bisque, so there ya go! It was for him…totally not for me! *wink wink!*

My sister, Rhea, has her FINAL exam today! Whoo-hoo!!! Good luck, sissy! You’ll do great! That aside, I’m just happy she’s comin home for the summer. I miss her soooooooooooo much during the school year!

In other news, I arranged my jewelry collecting and am going to start making earrings again, and maybe necklaces/bracelets this time too. Will keep you posted!!!

posted under Birthdays, Jewelry, Restaurants, Rhea | Comments Off on I’m a Vampire!

Mother’s Day & Ladies Night w/ Lobster!


Mother’s day was fuuun! We had steaks, mashed potatoes, salad and, for dessert, I made red velvet cupcakes with cheesecake frosting. We had a lot of fun. Talked a lot and played Mario Kart on the Wii….as usual I WON! haha! Love spending time with the family! Every party we have is never boring!

Today, the older gals wanted to go out for dinner and I insisted I come along to see what they talk about when the kiddies are away. Unfortunately, no gossip! We went to Old Port Lobster Shack in Redwood City. DEEEELISH!!! Located here:

Old Port Lobster Shack
851 Veterans Boulevard
Redwood City, CA 94063

I would recommend the New England Clam “Chowdah”, Lobster Bisque, & The Maine Lobster Roll. YUMMMY!!! As usual, I forgot to take pictures. I’m useless!

Tomorrow, I plan to re-organize my jewelry supplies. I’ve gotten the bug again!!! Will take some pictures of some of my designs!

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